I want to keep my map display uncluttered with tons of place icons. I just want to show what I need for various purposes. As such, I have created a few different favorite groups with the idea I would be able to select a subset of those groups to display on the map. However, the user interface only has a single “Favorites” switch that allows me to show all groups or no groups of favorites. If I can’t choose which groups to display, what’s the point of having these groups. Seems like a glaring omission that kills the benefit of using groups in the first place. Am I just missing some way to do this? I don’t see any way on iOS or Android to view a subset of favorite groups. |
The way you add a group is through adding another poi process. When you create a poi, there'll be an option to create a new group. Once you have multiple groups, you can select a specific poi and transfer to any other group by editing that poi. Thanks, but I’m asking how to display all POIs from one group of favorites on the map, not how to create different groups. For example, I created two groups A and B. A has ten items and B has three. I would like to see only the ten items from group A. Then, maybe I want to see only the three items in group B. Right now, the app has a single on\off button that displays all 13 items from groups A and B or no items from either group.
(01 Dec '22, 01:57)
Also, I am using app on iPad mini 4 running iOS 15.7.1
(01 Dec '22, 02:00)
Oops. Left out the part that you can select which groups to be visible. Duh!
(04 Dec '22, 04:36)
On Android it is possible to disable individual favorite groups in OsmAnd: Go to My Places / Favorites, then tap on the three dots menu for the favorite group you want to modify. This will provide you with the following settings where you can change their visibility, among other settings: It is possible that this widget doesn't exist for the iOS version of OsmAnd. So far the iOS version has always been somewhat behind the Android version, feature-wise. One alternative is to use GPX files with waypoints instead of favorites. They share roughly the same functionality and tracks can also be enabled/disabled individually. In the Android version of OsmAnd you can convert favorites to GPX if you convert them to markers in-between. Maybe the same can be done on iOS so that you don't have to recreate all your favorites as GPX waypoints manually. 1
You’re correct. I see this feature on Android but missing on iOS. I too thought about using GPX tracks as a workaround but native functionality would’ve been easier. However, on further thought, using GPX tracks has the benefit of being able to import into almost any program and makes it easy to keep all sets of waypoints backed up in case I need to restore them. Thanks for the help.
(01 Dec '22, 11:08)