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I have difficulties to build a route for pedestrians using the way 31688374. This way has two neighbors 31688362 and 23892563 and mapsource accepts a route 31688362 --> 31688374 --> 23892563 for cyclists but refuses to use 31688374 for pedestrians. Is there an experienced user of OSM who can tell me the reason for this bug?

Many thanks in advance


asked 24 Oct '11, 22:39

DBuenermann's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Oct '11, 23:55

gnurk's gravatar image


There are many different sources of Garmin maps made from OpenStreetMap data. The answer to your question would depend on who you got the Garmin maps from, and more specifically, which software and map rules they used to create the maps. You can amend your question to give us the full details.

Assuming you made the maps yourself using mkgmap, you can also ask on the mkgmap mailing lists, where there are lots of experienced users who understand the intricacies of the map rules.

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answered 25 Oct '11, 09:02

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

Thank you Andy, the behaviour of mapsource depends indeed on the underlying map. I used velomap from and the specified way was refused. When I change to a german basemap Mapsource computes nearly a minute for a 500 meter route but comes to an end and the route looks fine.

(25 Oct '11, 10:10) DBuenermann

You can try my Openfietsmap Germany, I cant find any strange behaviour in routing there at all. But I do have seen other strange routing issues with pedestrians on my map esp. in Mapsource. This is caused by my styles, where I have assigned bike friendly roads as 'highways' and in Mapsource it seems that pedestrians don't like highways. In Basecamp this is improved so pedestrian routing works better, but Basecamp has other issues (it doesn't recognize the OSM access tags anymore).

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answered 29 Oct '11, 14:54

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

edited 29 Oct '11, 14:57

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question asked: 24 Oct '11, 22:39

question was seen: 3,874 times

last updated: 29 Oct '11, 14:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum