Which tag or combi to use for an old German moat, digged to prevent the enemy to enter the fortress and still in use as canal. |
Not Sure, but some ideas.
canal=yes and historic= WW2 anti tank defence feature maybe a wiki link = https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier%3Dtank_trap 1
Hi Andy Mackey, thanks for the thougths I just realize that I even got 3 new possible edits for the Wiki lines. The first is a dune sand trap, the second is a massive T shaped wall, with a gate construction and a moat. All made to prevent the enemy to enter the Festung, a defensive German position. Here https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.44549/4.60722
(30 Nov '22, 23:07)