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Several years ago I implemented OSM with the ability to used local geopoly formatted files to outline state and county boundaries. I found and downloaded several json files containing the polygon coordinates of each. Works great!!!

Now I need to add the boundaries for a few of the cities within one of the counties. But given the length of time and now my age I cannot remember where I got the geopoly files.

TIA for any assistance you can provide.


asked 23 Nov '22, 04:15

jdadwilson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Maybe you used back in the days? It's still live :)

Here is an example for Lyon:

permanent link

answered 23 Nov '22, 08:31

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 23 Nov '22, 08:32

Thanks, that did the trick.

(23 Nov '22, 16:54) jdadwilson

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question asked: 23 Nov '22, 04:15

question was seen: 1,359 times

last updated: 23 Nov '22, 20:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum