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I would like to add a street address for a trailhead that has a driveway to a parking lot but no building. Is there a way to do this?

asked 17 Nov '22, 17:05

KeithConover's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Well, the county has had to assign a street address to it so that they can send emergency response vehicles to it, because that's the way it works here. And we also want wilderness search and rescue teams to be able to find it in Open Street Map and Google Maps, and the easiest way to communicate that is with a street address.

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answered 18 Nov '22, 01:19

KeithConover's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


In my area wilderness SAR teams are more likely to use UTM coordinates and/or know the names of all the trailheads in their areas. But I agree, if the county has assigned a street address to a feature there does not need to have a building there. There are quite a few small parks around me that have a sign with a street number and park name but no buildings, just some tables, landscaping and maybe play equipment. I put addresses on those.

(18 Nov '22, 03:34) n76

It would be highly unusual since in OSM, the only things that should carry an address are things that you can deliver mail to. We don't normally add addresses to anything else - though through either misunderstanding or deliberate misuse, people have managed to give addresses to trees, phone booths, ATMs and other things. Technically - assuming you're talking about the ID editor that runs in your browser - you could just use the "tags" area to manually add addr:street, addr:housenumber and so on. But it is really not recommended.

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answered 17 Nov '22, 17:55

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

"in OSM, the only things that should carry an address are things that you can deliver mail to" is something that people have discussed at length.

Where I am (England, UK) plenty of things have enough of an address that people can visit them, even if they don't have a unique number on the street and don't receive mail. Just this morning I had to help someone find a local water pump. It did have a descriptive address including some details of where in the street, but no house number.

Like Frederik says, if that makes sense for your case just use the "tags" area in iD to add to the most appropriate object (whatever you've tagged as the trailhead, I guess).

(17 Nov '22, 18:57) SomeoneElse ♦

I am in the process of purchasing a house in a community where there is no mail delivery. But each house has a street address which is used to help people find the house to visit, to make non-mail deliveries, etc. Limiting addresses to only places with mail delivery may work in other areas but certainly not all. So I am going to disagree with "highly unusual since in OSM, the only things that should carry and address are things that you can deliver mail to."

(18 Nov '22, 03:29) n76

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question asked: 17 Nov '22, 17:05

question was seen: 1,577 times

last updated: 18 Nov '22, 03:34

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