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Could you guys please help me on forming the osmium command to extract all the admin places and educational institutes? I mean all the extracts mentioned in Nominatim ( the below keys) and educational places.

I came up with this one, but not sure if it includes wiki data and other things mentioned in the, and also for boundary do we have to mention place?

Command I came up with

osmium tags-filter planet.osm.pbf amenity=university,school,college,kindergarten place=*  boundary=administrative,postal_code,place,political   o place_edu.osm.pbf

{   "keys" : ["wikipedia", "wikipedia:*", "wikidata"],
    "values" : {
        "" : "extra"
    "keys" : ["*:prefix", "*:suffix", "name:prefix:*", "name:suffix:*",
              "name:etymology", "name:signed", "name:botanical", "*:wikidata",
              "addr:street:name", "addr:street:type"],
    "values" : {
        "" : "skip"
    "keys" : ["ref", "int_ref", "nat_ref", "reg_ref", "loc_ref", "old_ref",
              "iata", "icao", "pcode", "ISO3166-2"],
    "values" : {
        "" : "ref"
    "keys" : ["name", "name:*", "int_name", "int_name:*", "nat_name", "nat_name:*",
              "reg_name", "reg_name:*", "loc_name", "loc_name:*",
              "old_name", "old_name:*", "alt_name", "alt_name:*", "alt_name_*",
              "official_name", "official_name:*", "place_name", "place_name:*",
              "short_name", "short_name:*", "brand"],
    "values" : {
        "" : "name"
    "keys" : ["landuse"],
    "values" : {
        "cemetry" : "skip",
        "" : "fallback,with_name"
    "keys" : ["boundary"],
    "values" : {
        "administrative" : "main"
    "keys" : ["place"],
    "values" : {
        "" : "main"
    "keys" : ["country_code", "ISO3166-1", "is_in:country_code", "is_in:country",
              "addr:country", "addr:country_code"],
    "values" : {
        "" : "country"
    "keys" : ["addr:*", "is_in:*", "tiger:county"],
    "values" : {
        "" : "address"
    "keys" : ["postal_code", "postcode", "addr:postcode",
              "tiger:zip_left", "tiger:zip_right"],
    "values" : {
        "" : "postcode"
    "keys" : ["capital"],
    "values" : {
        "" : "extra"

asked 01 Nov '22, 12:51

Chaitu1975's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I am a bit confused by the Nominatim reference, I don't now anything about the details of Nominatim and why that's relevant to you. What's relevant to Osmium is only the list of tags you are interested in. And there is an error in your command line. The place=* doesn't do what you intend, it should just be place.

(02 Nov '22, 07:50) Jochen Topf

Oh, thank you for your response. Sorry for the confusion. I thought I can explain easily by referencing its import style for the keys that I want to extract. I am going to try this command and see "osmium tags-filter planet.osm.pbf place wikipedia wikipedia wikidata amenity=university,school,college,kindergarten boundary=administrative,postal_code,place,political o place_edu.osm.pbf"

(02 Nov '22, 12:05) Chaitu1975

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question asked: 01 Nov '22, 12:51

question was seen: 626 times

last updated: 02 Nov '22, 12:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum