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I primarily use JOSM as my editor. It's a great bit of software.

I started out on OSM using iD, as do many people. One of the very few things I miss from iD is how the similar menu item (called "square", I think) allows for a few different angles other than 90° (like 45°). This makes it easy to get the shape of buildings with a combination of 90° and 45° corners right.

I know the draw nodes tool has a fixed angle feature when drawing, but this doesn't work as well, because any error in the original couple of nodes is continued throughout the trace, while the orthogonalize menu item "averages out" all the errors, to make the angles 90°, so provides better results.

Is there any way to replicate this behaviour with JOSM? A plug-in maybe?

asked 27 Oct '22, 23:26

keithonearth's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

It seems like what I'm looking for does not exist. I wish I had the skills to write an extension myself. Anyone else up for it?

(02 Dec '22, 01:21) keithonearth

Hi Keith, youll be familiar with the Q key in JOSM ? It bends all corners in the object up to squares. And you have to cut all other non 90 or 100 degree corners and after Q connect them again, but JOSM will correct you if so when you did not. If its a trapezium like shape make it square disconnect one side only and move that piece to the right position and connect again.

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answered 03 Dec '22, 13:29

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


The Q key does the same thing as the orthogonalize menu item:

It is not an alternative to it.

(03 Dec '22, 14:42) Tordanik

Q is just the keyboard shortcut for orthogonalize.

(26 Dec '22, 19:21) keithonearth
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answered 28 Oct '22, 11:47

Allroads's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

I don't see any editing of non-90° angles in that video.

(28 Oct '22, 13:25) Tordanik

Maybe, I don not understand the question. Sorry.

(28 Oct '22, 23:27) Allroads

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question asked: 27 Oct '22, 23:26

question was seen: 1,528 times

last updated: 26 Dec '22, 19:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum