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Buenos días. He tratado últimamente de agregar un negocio en el mapa y no lo logro completamente, hace unos años agregué mi propiedad sin problemas pero ahora no lo logro correctamente. En mi caso particular es una casa de renta de habitaciones y necesito que aparezca el nombre que yo introduzco al igual que el logotipo de este tipo de lugares que suele ser una cama con un una persona acostada. ¿Me pudieran indicar cómo proceder? ¿Es posoble agregar fotos del lugar? Ahora mismo he tratado se agregar el lugar y me aparece "nota sin resolver" ¿Lleva tiempo solucionarlo? Muchas gracias

asked 26 Oct '22, 15:13

Hostal%20Ana%20y%20Arley's gravatar image

Hostal Ana y...
accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Oct '22, 08:27

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

If you save successfully there is no delay. The tiles can take a while to update though so you might want to try editing from a different browser to see if the edit shows there.

I think something is getting lost in my translator app as I don't know what you mean by "nota sin resolver". Is that appearing directly in the editor?

(27 Oct '22, 08:10) InsertUser

I think you have clicked on right side of to 'add a note to the map'. If so, that is just adding a text note and expecting another mapper to map those details and is unlikely to happen soon, if ever.
If you instead, sign in then click 'Edit' at the top of the browser, you will be able to learn how to map it yourself directly.
Seems you want to use these types of accomodation or similar:

(27 Oct '22, 13:16) nevw

Just to add on one of your other questions "¿Es posible agregar fotos del lugar?" OpenStreetMap does not store photos of any kind in its database. You can add contact details including social media profiles as a way of pointing to further information outside OSM, see these tags may be of interest:*

(28 Oct '22, 07:34) alan_gr

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question asked: 26 Oct '22, 15:13

question was seen: 961 times

last updated: 28 Oct '22, 07:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum