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Is it possible to change the street name by many people's update report without being vandalism? it may be against the government's rules. if yes How many reports should be sent?

asked 25 Oct '22, 16:34

Abdpoor's gravatar image

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What do you mean by "many people's update report"?

What government?

(26 Oct '22, 00:16) InsertUser

first: a lot of people report the same edit for a street name. second: republic of iran

(26 Oct '22, 05:59) Abdpoor

Can you explain which street should be updated to which name and why? Usually OSM data gets updated by individual users if the current data is incomplete or incorrect. The number of user reports is completely irrelevant. Either something is wrong/incomplete and must be fixed or something is correct and must not be changed.

(27 Oct '22, 07:08) scai ♦

As well as the main name tag, there are various other tags such as loc_name, alt_name, official_name, old_name - see full list at

If the situation is that more than one name is in use, some combination of these tags may be useful. For example the "official" name used in government maps may differ from the one used by local people in informal conversation. (Note I am not saying anything about "government rules" in your country).

(27 Oct '22, 08:51) alan_gr

For me it sounds like a grassroot movement idea, e.g. establishing a new street name by lots of people editing this in OSM/voting for the new street name in OSM. But OSM wouldn't be the right tool for this, as OSM has a "On the Ground" mapping rule, so the street name in OSM should reflect the street name on the street sign on the ground.

(27 Oct '22, 10:13) Spiekerooger

exactly. it's something like that. Are you telling that OSM does not apply this request even with lots of reporting?

(27 Oct '22, 18:24) Abdpoor
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question asked: 25 Oct '22, 16:34

question was seen: 698 times

last updated: 27 Oct '22, 18:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum