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There are some places in the world where it is a common for people to go into public bath houses. For example there are some villages where people don't have water sanitation installed and they go to public baths.
Other example - there are places famous with their mineral springs. There are some public mineral baths as well. They are used mostly for recreational purposes rather than hygienic needs.
Currently I'm using something like that:

male=yes|no (usually there are gender access restrictions)

There are other amenities I don't know how to cover. For example some of the mineral baths are also healthcare centers (sanatoriums). There are different types of mineral water (with different mineral composition). Some places are also SPA centers. Some have pools, other have only showers. Some places offer cold pool other have hot pool. At some pools swimming is forbidden.

There is a lot of useful info that can fit into OSM. Is there some place alredy tagged like that? Do you have any tagging suggestions?

asked 23 Oct '11, 11:58

ivanatora's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

In taginfo, I found:

Wikipedia uses "public bathing" for the article on this topic. To me, amenity=public_bath would seem best. "Bathhouse" potentially has some negative connotations.

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answered 25 Oct '11, 21:25

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Not only in poor countries, also in Europe, there are public bathhouses where you can get scrubbed, get a massage or similar things. In Austria for example, it was not uncommon not to have a shower or bathroom in the apartment only 40 years ago, and there are several comedy episodes about people finally building one :D Therefore, some of these baths have survived until now, although a little retrofitted.

some helpful tags: If you can swim, you can use leisure=swimmimg_pool If it is a plain shower only (like on highway rest areas et al.): amenity=shower there is also a proposed feature: leisure=hot_spring - if it is a thermal bath it can be useful and I already used it myself.

Having bathhouses somehow (= not a swimming pool but more than a shower) would be useful. If anyone wants to make a proposal, I will happily support it.

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answered 23 Oct '11, 19:04

moszkva%20ter's gravatar image

moszkva ter
accept rate: 17%

Aha! So it was not so uncommon as I though :) What other amenities are there? I've just read the wikipedia articles of the roman thermas and it seems their baths were pretty large complexes with art galleries, shops, restaurants, sport playgrounds, gyms, etc... I doubt there is something like that in present days, but lets count the options.

(24 Oct '11, 07:49) ivanatora

Could your write a proposal for amenity=public_bath? It seems to be very useful tag.

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answered 04 Nov '11, 03:37

kisaa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Go ahead, if you like ;)

(05 Nov '11, 08:14) moszkva ter

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question asked: 23 Oct '11, 11:58

question was seen: 7,090 times

last updated: 05 Nov '11, 08:14

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