Hello, What is the difference between OSM PRO vs OSM+ ? If I buy the OSM PRO or OSM+, can I load it on multiple platforms? Dennis |
I guess you are asking about the difference of OsmAnd Pro vs OsmAnd+. Please refer to the official documentation where this difference is explained: https://osmand.net/docs/user/purchases/android/#free-and-paid-features The main difference are the so-called "Pro"-features listed here: https://osmand.net/docs/user/purchases/android/#pro-features Thank you, that helps a lot. I have an Android tablet v4.4.4. I have the free version loaded. I cannot get Google play to recognize my tablet for OSMAnd+
(24 Oct '22, 15:27)
The free version is running on my tablet with 4.4.4.
(24 Oct '22, 16:26)
Can you link to what you are referring to? There is no official "OSM PRO" or "OSM+", certainly not for sale.
There may be apps that incorporate (free!) OSM data calling themselves "pro" or "+".