Is it possible to set the speed limit to all roads by category. Eg Morotway 100kmh, Main road 60kmh, all others 40kmh. I am looking to map speed limits in Trinidad but there is limited road speed data for the whole country. Tks. |
This is something that the routing engine or app would have to do. We don't usually map default speed limits (i.e. those that are not signposted) because that would mean that if there's a change in the law, we would have to update all the roads - and worse, we wouldn't even know if a "maxspeed=100" is due to there being an actual sign, or due to someone just mapping the default! See for a talk at State of the Map 2022 that discussed this issue. 1
Actually, we have
(21 Oct '22, 07:14)
scai ♦
"Defaults" for untagged ways are often stored elsewhere such as in this table in the wiki which does contain a line for T&T.