Hi, I started to edit/add some weeks ago mostly paths and trails because tired of problems of navigation with komoot and my garmin. It worked well and I saw the changes on several sites. But now I can't even access to the editor whereas I didn't make any updates on my navigator and my mac. Is there a general problem now on macs? I can't even edit too on waze whereas I used to edit for years! Thanks |
There are lots of possible causes none which have anything to do with OSM, and since, as you point out, you can't edit waze either, I think any OSM specific issue can be ruled out. I would suggest checking ad blockers and other mechanisms that might stop javascript from working. thanks for the answer.I don't have add blockers and I was able to edit on OSM whereas it didn't work anymore on waze. I don't know how to check javascript but I don't understand I didn't change anything and didn't update too
(20 Oct '22, 22:27)