I'm trying to get a table of all streets of a entire country, which means the file I'm working with is big. I want the streets to be in this kind of pattern: column 1: street name; column 2: city name; column 3: postcode; (optional) column 4 suburban name; Can be in a different format as long as every street has its postcode and city, so I can work with it. I've already had success by going line by line and checking for a addr:city and then check the next lines for addr:street, addr:postcode and addr:suburban. There is just one problem: There are addr:street without an addr:city or addr:postcode so that only works for 72% (percentage of streets with city and postcode) of the streets. The other 28% can't be connected to any city nor postcode. I've tried to work with osmfilter but I can't get it to work :( help is greatly appreciated. |