Hi everyone, I have been using Maps.me since it was first launched but it seems with every successive update it gets worse to use, I tried OSM years ago and didn't get on with it very well and went back to M.me, and Google maps, I now only seem to use M.me as a hoding app for my many different sets of POIs. So my question is. how does OSM deal with POIs? how does it fare as a sat nav, and are there any advantages to using OSM. Kev. |
"OSM" is a database of geographical information including streets, POIs and many other things. maps.me is an app that -uses- OSM as data. If you are unhappy with maps.me organic maps https://organicmaps.app/ might be a viable alternative, or any of the other navigation apps that utilize OSM data: magic earth, osmand and many more. As to OSM handling of POIs: due to the nature of OSM if you find something is missing or wrong, you add or update it (from personal survey or compatible 3rd party source). I would like to clarify that Organic Maps is the open source spin off from Maps.me from when Maps.me started to become more and more proprietary. For can navigation Organic Maps is my preferred app. Other OSM based apps include OsmAnd and Magic Earth. I think Magic Earth is NOT open source but it definitely uses OSM data. In my opinion the one thing Magic Earth does better than Organic Maps is address lookup but I suspect that depends on where you are in the world.
(14 Oct '22, 15:58)
@n76 I deliberately left that out because too confusing for anybody that doesn't know their way around OSS. Besides that, organic maps is a fork of the open source maps.me, and from that pov more of the same.
(14 Oct '22, 16:02)
SimonPoole ♦
Fwiw there is a fully open apk for osmand available on f-Droid... |
Thanks Simon, I wasn't aware that OSM and maps.me were connected.
How does OSM handle POIs?