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Hello, unfortunately I did not find an answer yet: In Germany there are mushroom advisory centers: A mushroom advisory center, also called a mushroom information center in Austria and a mushroom control center or mushroom control in Switzerland, is a public place where private mushroom pickers can have their collected supposed edible mushrooms examined, identified and tested for toxicity by mushroom experts. (translated based on wikipedia ( with deepl).

There is a list available of all registered advisors with their private address and (mobile) number:

So there are two questions:

  1. How to map those? I couldn't find a corresponding category in iD editor
  2. Would it be possible to automatically scrape and put the information in osm? Where to start?

Kind regards and thank you for the answer

asked 11 Oct '22, 11:13

Copymaster86's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Oct '22, 11:16

There are 3 mapped ( in Aarau (CH), but incorrectly with the name on a house address. This is a pretty niche topic so probably the best approach is to propose a given key/tag combination.

If these are to be mapped I think it is very important to add opening hours (usually 1 to 2 hours a week during the fungi season) & contact info. At least in CH there is usually a single nominated Pilzkontrolleur/in with a deputy/alternate for a given area. This should be captured too.

You can only scrape the info from sites if they give you explicit permission. There is also a slight issue with personal information as these are usually named individuals at private addresses (not in ZUrich, where the service is run from offices in Kries 11).

(11 Oct '22, 13:52) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 11 Oct '22, 11:13

question was seen: 684 times

last updated: 11 Oct '22, 13:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum