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I been adding the bus stop names for omnitrans in the san bernardino valley. I noticed that omnitrans names bus stops as so, "Sierra @baseline SB FS". The FS stands for farside station. But some bus stops have the farside station indicator, when they are located nearside. should I change it to just Sierra @ Baseline southbound Farside, or Sierra @ Baseline southbound Farside Station. Or should I just leave the bus stops as Sierra @ Baseline Southbound and only add the farside/nearside indicator when there are stops on both sides of the cross street? I just don't see how adding farside/nearside station would be useful with most stops. Guidance would be appreciated

asked 10 Oct '22, 06:40

telcodude's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What's the sign at the stop say? That's your name. Be aware that in the US, it's very unusual for most stops to get named if it's not a BRT or rail system outside of maybe major stops and bus stations. The usual case in the US is only to number stops, which goes in ref=*

If you're pulling names from the GTFS, you're doing it wrong. Use the ground truth.

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answered 10 Oct '22, 15:29

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 10 Oct '22, 06:40

question was seen: 839 times

last updated: 10 Oct '22, 15:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum