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We have a light railway station in our town that's showed as a tram in the maps and I don't understand how I change it?

All the other stations seems right and I can't spot any different on the one called tram:

asked 05 Oct '22, 10:27

Cindy%20Andersson's gravatar image

Cindy Andersson
accept rate: 0%

(05 Oct '22, 19:11) InsertUser

I think I know why this is. The station was previously incorrectly classified as light_rail, Roslagsbanan is narrow gauge "smalspår", but it is still (to my knowledge) a regular commuter train (even though SL calls it "Light rail" in English), not a higher-standard tram which is essentially what light rail is. I improved and corrected the map along Roslagsbanan about a month ago, but I forgot the last stations (Ekskogen to Kårsta) which I have now fixed and all of them are classed as train stations. If you fetch the latest map data it should hopefully only show as train and not as tram/light_rail.

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answered 07 Oct '22, 10:18

riiga's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What do you mean? It is on a railway=narrow_gauge, and is already a station=light_rail. As prompted, the only possible addition is light_rail=yes, which however the other stations don't have either. What application are you using? Other edits around are from 2 years ago, so data update should not be an issue.

The only difference is the station on the west has the =station separate from the track. With a railway=stop + public_transport=stop_position but train=yes.

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answered 06 Oct '22, 11:36

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 06 Oct '22, 11:43

I'm new here. Became a member tuesday and I try to fix this error for work.

We have a house for sale and this site shows Ekskogen as tram (Spårvagn in Swedish) and that's incorrect since we don't have that here.

I don't see any difference between the stations that belongs to Roslagsbanan so I don't understand how Ekskogen gets called tram.alt text

(07 Oct '22, 06:19) Cindy Andersson

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question asked: 05 Oct '22, 10:27

question was seen: 1,045 times

last updated: 07 Oct '22, 10:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum