Quisiera saber si a partir de un archivo excel se pueden cargar en OSM plazas, paseos y espacios verdes. -- How can I load places, promenades and green spaces into OSM from an Excel file? |
There is an open data plugin for adding spreadsheet data. Scroll down the link to read about it https://learnosm.org/en/josm/opendata-plugin/ |
Hi LeoMolina, could you try to do ask it in English, youll be able to reach more people on thse pages ?
I added a translation, feel free to correct it.
You need to follow the import guidelines. Otherwise the DWG is likely to delete first and ask questions later.
Hi Leo there is an Argentina sub group on the new Osm Community website
Comunidad OSM en Argentina
You may get assistance in adding the data to osm from the local community