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For a uni project in Okotoks (Canada), I'm downloading the map in PDF to edit it in Illustrator. Unfortunately I found out that the data of the homes/buildings is missing, whole neighborhoods. When I look on other maps websites, I see the data/houses, but there I cannot download it as a PDF. So there must be a complete dataset somewhere, right? Is there anyone who can help me turn on the data? I have no/minimum programming skills as an Urban Design student, but I would like to learn! I have attached a screenshot where houses can be seen on one side of the road and not on the other. Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me!

asked 26 Sep '22, 17:10

Niek's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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(26 Sep '22, 17:11) Niek

Hi, Those buildings have not been mapped to OSM so you won't be able to get them from OSM in any form. Your best bet is to map them yourself it's not too hard.

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answered 26 Sep '22, 19:10

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 26 Sep '22, 17:10

question was seen: 2,229 times

last updated: 27 Sep '22, 00:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum