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Hi There is a surface value concrete:lanes but what about if the lanes are made out of paving stones or any other pavement ? Use paving-stones:lanes ? And what for the surface in between the lanes ?

asked 22 Sep '22, 13:02

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

  1. =paving_stones is different situation because paving_stones:*= is used. It won't be bad to use =paving_stones:lanes for now. Ideally =concrete:* should be replaced, then that can be added in paving_stones:*=. Aside from recent discussions about =concrete:plates, seems the difference from =paving_stones can be unclear. has question about large =paving_stones pieces vs =concrete. has mixed wording with "concrete paving stones" as =concrete:lanes. (Of course growing to something as long as =concrete:plate:lanes won't work. It's not scalable)
  2. surface:middle= was suggested.
permanent link

answered 23 Sep '22, 07:27

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 22 Sep '22, 13:02

question was seen: 846 times

last updated: 23 Sep '22, 07:27

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