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Context: I've already stumbled apon nominatim although I can't use the public version for production and I'm not sure how to maintain a local install effectively.

Edit: For further context I need to be able to make updates to some geocoding data (doesn't have to be osm) have those updates go live withing 5-15min (preferably as little time as possible) and have an api that I can call as much as I want. Nominatim's public api has restrictions on the number/frequency of calls which wont work for me. Same will apply to any other api. Currently my setup is I have an instance of OSRM running on a ec2 server. Thanks to user SimonPoole on another question I figured out how to set up automated updates for the routing service using osmupdate. But OSRM takes lat long and gives a route, I basically need be able to get lat long of a specific street addresses.

Question: I want to be able to have some sort of api / qt plugin that I can pass a street address and get a lat long back, your suggestions would be appreciated?

Edit: Shortly after posting this question I did find a qt osm plugin that uses Nominatim, if anyone with experience using the plugin could tell me how reliable it is? That would be appreciated.

asked 14 Sep '22, 15:43

GeorgeValleyeats's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Sep '22, 16:35

Is your requirement to search a OSM file you created yourself and you have on hour harddrive? Or search all of (planet, region or country) OSM data?

Search for 'geocoding API' or 'geocoding $your-programing-language-or-framework'. has a section on 'Alternatives / Third-party providers'. More listed on

permanent link

answered 14 Sep '22, 15:51

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

I need to be able to make updates to some geocoding data (doesn't have to be osm) have those updates go live withing 5-15min and have an api / plugin that I can call as much as I want. Nominatim's public api has restrictions on the number/frequency of calls which wont work for me. Same will apply to any other api. I'll add an edit to my questions context to elaborate further.

(14 Sep '22, 16:10) GeorgeValley...

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question asked: 14 Sep '22, 15:43

question was seen: 1,463 times

last updated: 14 Sep '22, 16:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum