NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum

I made a map update over 24 hours ago that basically corrected the name of a stretch of trail. The change appeared to take effect almost immediately, except at 1 particular zoom level from my Mac, I see the old trail name. I tried it in another browser, and the exact same thing. On my phone and iPad it looks fine. Can anyone explain? Do I just need to wait longer, or is there a problem with my edits?

To test what I am seeing:

asked 13 Sep '22, 00:22

Jerry%20E's gravatar image

Jerry E
accept rate: 0%

This is almost certainly a caching issue. Your browsers are showing you old tiles.

This answer has some more info:

permanent link

answered 13 Sep '22, 00:48

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

edited 13 Sep '22, 00:55

Thanks. I can believe it is a caching issue, but I'm not clear where. I am seeing it in two separate browsers, and I cleared cache in Chrome with no change.

I also saw mention in the link you shared about an "overload in the re-rendering queue" could cause a delay up to a few days. I am curious if anyone can test my second link (ideally on a Mac) to see which trail name appears.

(13 Sep '22, 01:56) Jerry E

I see Indian Creek Trail at all zoom levels that display trail names (with Chrome/Windows not on a Mac as you asked).

(13 Sep '22, 08:58) alan_gr

Wherever the bottleneck was, it finally cleared. Now working for me! Thanks for the response.

(13 Sep '22, 22:35) Jerry E

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question asked: 13 Sep '22, 00:22

question was seen: 1,258 times

last updated: 13 Sep '22, 22:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum