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What exactly is the difference? Street complete gives me two options which look very similar,

  • Concrete concrete
  • Concrete Plates concrete:plates

Further the definition isn't exactly clear on the tag wiki,

Heavy-duty plates chained closely together, might have tar or sand in between the connections.

How do I know whether or not a plate is chained closely together? Does rebar in the form count? Do any two pieces of concrete with sand or tar in the crack count as a plate?

Moreover, the linking from concrete to concrete:plates says,

For pre-fabricated plates, use surface=concrete:plates or surface=concrete:lanes if you know how the concrete is laid out and one of these tags fits.

Do concrete plates have to "pre-fabricated", which for me means fabricated off-site?

And specifically are roads that are poured one panel at a time, like this "plates"?

alt text

asked 02 Sep '22, 01:17

Evan%20Carroll's gravatar image

Evan Carroll
accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Sep '22, 04:09

Ignore the chaining. Look at these examples:

These are surface=conrete:plates. You can clearly see the plates and the regular gaps in between:

These are surface=conrete. You don't see any regular gaps:

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answered 02 Sep '22, 07:06

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 02 Sep '22, 07:10

I think this may be how the tags are used, but this doesn't sound like it's correct. And why any of this matters seems confusing. You're not explaining why the wiki says "chained closely together" and "pre-fabricated".

(02 Sep '22, 21:31) Evan Carroll

I'm 90% sure the example you've given for 03 is not a concrete:plate that looks like it was poured on site like any road, and later paved with asphalt. That is exactly the question though. Is a road like that with "regular gaps" a conrete:plate. I think now I've been doing all of them wrong.

(02 Sep '22, 21:57) Evan Carroll

see the related Streetcomplete issue and comments on it:

(03 Sep '22, 18:35) Matija Nalis

I'm going to self answer this because I am sure by the description given I'm right. And 99% of people are using this tag wrong. We're given two hints on these tags pertaining concrete:plates,

  • Heavy-duty plates chained closely together, might have tar or sand in between the connections.
  • For pre-fabricated plates. Ie., it's about the building material/method of construction.

After researching this, the wiki is describing "Precast Concrete Deck Panels".

This means that tagging concrete poured on site with "regular gaps in between" as concrete:plates is wrong.

Here is a road built with pre-fabricate pre-set stressed concrete plates,

alt text

Here is an example of the construction with one such plate,

alt text

Here is another method by the GOT

alt text

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answered 02 Sep '22, 21:49

Evan%20Carroll's gravatar image

Evan Carroll
accept rate: 0%


See my SC answer with explanation why I think this is wrong. One definitely does not need to be a road engineer to use this tag.

Regarding: "And 99% of people are using this tag wrong", is just does not work that way in OSM. If "99% of the OSM editors" is using tag in some way, than by OSM definition it is the correct way. And if wiki disagrees with how "99% of mappers use the tag", then the wiki is wrong and needs to be corrected.

As it stands, wiki for those tags is very thinly defined and could definitely use an improvement, but @scai answer is correct one.

Note that while concrete slabs are very often pre-fabricated elsewhere and brought to site (which is why wiki mentiones it, I guess), that is no hard requirement - they can certainly be made on the spot.

TL;DR - If there are regular holes between concrete slabs, then it is surface=concrete:plates, regardless of exact location or engineering method used to produce them. If there are not, and it is one monolithic piece of concrete, then it is surface=concrete. As simple as that.

(03 Sep '22, 18:51) Matija Nalis

Hi Matija Halis, IMHO you’re making the situation more complex, by using pics of the construction of bridges. Those beams and plates will have another surface when finished. You will never be able to build a long concrete road, without making sections. Otherwise, the concrete will react just as steel when getting too hot, have a look at railways where every now and then the rails will overstretch and bend. The concrete road will bend as well but straight up if it’s getting too hot.

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answered 04 Sep '22, 10:39

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Extra picture of a concrete cycleway, in Dutch sorry, but the picture tells the whole story and its not the first time.

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answered 04 Sep '22, 11:09

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 02 Sep '22, 01:17

question was seen: 2,212 times

last updated: 13 Sep '22, 04:09

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