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The Android app is not on the Google (Play) Store anymore. The last release was is 09 Jul 2018 and the last commit on the project is on 6 Apr 2020.

Someone know if the project is down?

asked 30 Aug '22, 12:33

JackNUMBER's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Aug '22, 18:27

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

The of the GitHub project mentions several Twitter accounts. Did you already try to contact those for more information? The main website also has a contact formular:

(30 Aug '22, 12:50) scai ♦

Hello there, I'm Jones from JawgMaps

We are glad to see that there are still people who are interested in OSM Contributor.

We originally created this project to give the community a new tool for mobile contribution. We could see it as an alternative to JOSM and iD that we could customise (Cf Jungle Bus).

We hoped that external contributors would join us for the development of the application. Unfortunately, this was not the case, even if we did a collaboration with Jungle Bus, it wasn't enough to keep active maintenance on the project.

Over time we have seen the rise of StreetComplete, which we have sponsored for years and which has created a community around its application. The application does not really replace the functionality of OSM Contributor, but the system is very good. As a more serious alternative to OSM Contributor, there is also Vespucci which is still maintained.

Now for the future of OSM Contributor, we would be delighted to bequeath the project to new maintainers who could rekindle its flame of yesteryear. As long as we don't find any, the project will not evolve much...

Have a great day

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answered 14 Sep '22, 15:19

Joxit's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Thank you for your answer

(16 Sep '22, 09:26) JackNUMBER

Not really wanting to put something in JAWGs mouth, but the main issue is likely that the app never had anything near a remotely sustainable audience, see and that they decided it wasn't worth the effort.*

Even if you do no active development, Android apps still require at least annual investment to keep up with googles changing requirements, and assuming that the app uses location information which has been the subject of ever increasing restrictions, that could well be the reason why the app has been removed.

  • while the numbers may seem large, there is only between 40 to 60'000 repeatedly active mappers overall (depending on what metric you choose), paring that down implies that there is perhaps a target audience of 10 to 20'000 users for mobile android apps and that is split up between a large number of contenders.
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answered 03 Sep '22, 10:06

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 03 Sep '22, 12:15

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question asked: 30 Aug '22, 12:33

question was seen: 1,792 times

last updated: 16 Sep '22, 09:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum