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I am querying objects with Overpass Turbo, which are restricted to a specific area.
I restrict the query via a relation, in this case a city boundary. Then I map them to the area to query via map_to_area

My problem is that the output always contains the relation itself, but I don't need it. It also is displayed on top of all nodes, so that I cannot see the nodes and ways in overpass turbo, but only the relation (see screenshot below).

Can I somehow suppress the relation in the output (both the map and the JSON)?

Here's my example. I would like to just have the nodes and ways.

[out:json][timeout:25]; ( {{plz=40589}} rel[postal_code="{{plz}}"]; map_to_area; node["power"="generator"]["generator:method"="photovoltaic"](area); way["power"="generator"]["generator:method"="photovoltaic"](area); ); (._;>;); out body; out count;

Screenshot of Overpass Turbo's map view with a relation shown as area, which hides all nodes and ways which are also in the output. in the bottom right corner, it says "loaded Nodes: 424, ways: 24, relations: 1, areas 1"

asked 30 Aug '22, 08:37

guerda's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

First off - there are no power generators in the area you're searching.

So let's use an adjacent post code.

The problem was the inclusion of the area inside the union using curved brackets:

out body;
out count;

However these can be removed entirely by amalgamating the objects to search for (nw):

out body;
out count;

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answered 30 Aug '22, 11:27

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 30 Aug '22, 11:41

It looks like your solution works. My original code seems not to work indeed. Thank you for that!

(30 Aug '22, 17:18) guerda

As soon as I use variables, my queries return different results, interesting.

(30 Aug '22, 17:20) guerda

Show us the code.

(30 Aug '22, 22:03) DaveF

Just remove the relation from the output set:


out body;
out count;

The parentheses are interpreted as the "union" operator:

permanent link

answered 30 Aug '22, 11:06

MarcoR's gravatar image

accept rate: 23%

Thanks! I thought it would be the solution. It seems that with other postcode it does not work at all. 40667 contains ~20 generators, but it does not return any with your code. That is odd. Any idea?

(30 Aug '22, 17:14) guerda

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question asked: 30 Aug '22, 08:37

question was seen: 968 times

last updated: 30 Aug '22, 22:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum