Hi, I'm new to editting openstreemap (we're using a hosted service to geolocate). But I've found an error where the entire town of Bosse-Bodeux in Belgium has no postal code (the API therefor calculates nearby 4980 as postal code). but how can you edit postal code/ I've fount 'building by building', but is that the only way to do it? Or is there a way to add postal code in an entire town/area? |
Firstly the location is BAsse-Bodeux and it is contained within the administrative district of Trois-Points which has the postal_code of 4980 attached and thus encompassing all relevant sub-divisions. It appears that both Haute- and Basse-Bodeux have a postal code of 4983 and the current mapping of the postal code is incorrect. In this situation i would contact the Belgian community to help resolve the missing postal code, as this is not merely about adding a new code, but adjusting the existing one in some way. |
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