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How to stop from routing through every exit and then re-entry all the way to the destination- on all controlled highways? This happens in the Valley of Phoenix Arizona and other cities in the "Valley". Interstate 10, highway 101, 202, & 303. Doesn’t do this when routing on a street with many exit / entry (not controlled access).

It has been this way for over a year. Before this began in AZ, I used in other states without issue. If there is a fix that would be great since I really use all the time.

Also can I uninstall and reinstall without losing waypoints / bookmarks? Maybe this will fix the issue if I don’t lose the hundreds of waypoints? Using wi/fi only android tablet.

Sure hope this finds someone to fix this. I hate to lose it. Please ask any questions to better understand the issues if I'm not clear about this issue. Thank YOU again! Thank YOU

asked 24 Aug '22, 21:45

gjcnjc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Aug '22, 00:10

It used to do this with me I suspect it may have been an issue with phone GPS accuracy.

(25 Aug '22, 10:01) SK53 ♦

I would like to see a jpeg of the problem please.

(26 Aug '22, 07:55) andy mackey

Path to jpg is shown below. You can see the destination is 11 mi yet route has me exit/reenter at every exit/entry. This continues along any route when on highways with controlled entry/exit (such as interstate highways). Doesn't happen on roads with no control access. Using V14.1.71386-google release

(27 Aug '22, 07:10) gjcnjc

@gjcnjc ah definitely different from the cases I've seen it

(27 Aug '22, 15:28) SK53 ♦

If there is no maxspeed tag on a way then the routing software makes assumptions. If the assumed speed limit of a motorway link is greater than that of the motorway or if the link is shorter (cutting the inside of a curve for example) and if the routing software does not apply a penalty for a traffic control (stop sign or traffic light) at the end of the exit then routing software is likely to route you off the freeway and then back on.

In OsmAnd it is possible (at least on Android) to create a custom set of assumptions. Back when I was using Android I set one up with the motorway link assumption to be 1/2 the speed of the typical local freeway speed. My assumption being that if you are going freeway speed at one end of the link but are stopped at the other your average speed would be 1/2. That fixed it for that app on that platform.

I do not know of a way to do that on or the open source fork of that called Organic Maps.

But you could, at least for the exits that have yellow speed advisory signs, add a maxspeed:advisory tag and make sure that any traffic lights or stop signs are mapped. That should help for the better routing algorithms.

permanent link

answered 27 Aug '22, 16:29

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 24 Aug '22, 21:45

question was seen: 2,796 times

last updated: 27 Aug '22, 16:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum