Hi, I just contribute for a new trail. I like it to appear at th same zoom level as the other trails around . https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/125249616#map=19/44.16005/-71.68488 How can I change that zoom at which it appear ? Thanks |
You can't influence at which zoom level your trail will be visible. This decision is done by the renderer and not by the data. However, typically the trail should appear at the same levels as other trails. If it doesn't for you then this is most likely caused by outdated tiles in your browser cache. Try to clear your browser cache or press Ctrl+F5, Shift+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R to refresh the web page. Btw. is the name of this trail really "Descent Trail to Old Man of the Mountain"? If this is not the official name of the trail then put it into the indeed it was just the cache . I remove the name and add a description. Thanks !
(23 Aug '22, 17:46)