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I installed tile server according to this link Switch2OSM. I want to ask how much this server can hundle tile requests for ex. 100 or 1000 clients at the same time or may reach 10,000. and does the speed is enough.

and does there any other tile server you may sugguests as geoserver or atlasserver may help with good capabilites.

asked 22 Aug '22, 12:55

Nuraddin123's gravatar image

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How long is your piece of string?

What specification of machine have you installed it on?

What sort of load are you expecting?

(22 Aug '22, 12:58) SomeoneElse ♦

let's say the server machine is powerful enough for haundle ten thousands of requests or more.

I expect that each client capable of zoom and patting as he wish. that mean many tiles rendering, and number of client may be between 1000 to 10,000

(22 Aug '22, 13:08) Nuraddin123

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question asked: 22 Aug '22, 12:55

question was seen: 694 times

last updated: 22 Aug '22, 13:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum