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There is another way through this mountain pass that cyclists should use instead: FWIW, this road is part of a national cycle route. This road is pretty steep though (12% average grade). I think the steepness of this road causes to prefer the highway, but it really shouldn't do that, because at least this road won't kill you.

What I'd like to do is somehow mark the highway as "highly inadvisable for cyclists". Maybe, because the speed is 80, and there are no cycle lanes, this fact is already evident (albeit subtly), but routers (e.g. are not properly taking this information into account? FWIW, Google Maps also suggests using the highway, presumably for similar reasons (it's legal, and the alternative is steeper).

I got pretty far up the highway before realizing I should not use the rest of it to transit this mountain pass. I'd like to help others avoid the same painful mistake.

asked 21 Aug '22, 20:25

JustAnotherOpenStreetMapsUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

First check different routing software —, OsmAnd, Organic maps, …

I use 'smoothness' when the surface is not good, but this is not the case. Check the wiki page , chapter "See also", maybe you will find something useful.

(21 Aug '22, 23:00) Vazhnov Alexey

What journey are you plotting that makes it use the main road? If I do (for example),8.247353&toLL=46.729019,8.187557 it goes via the national cycle route rather than the highway.

(22 Aug '22, 12:34) Richard ♦

There has been a discussion about this kind of situations earlier. The outcome was it is an opinion, other people could make another decision so don’t ad it to OSM. It all depends on a local situation seen by an individual.

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answered 21 Aug '22, 21:43

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

The existing information plus elevation data is perfectly adequate for to route avoiding the main road.

I presume that the Brunigstrasse tends to be very busy at weekends (I've certainly seen a lot of cars at the pass), but probably has lighter traffic, with some trucks, during the week

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answered 22 Aug '22, 10:42

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

There is literally no way to completely avoid the pass road (even the Schweizmobil route doesn't), and because it is the only direct route from the central Swiss cantons to the canton Bern it is always quite busy (all other routes are significantly longer).

That said, it is is simply busy, that is not the same as unsafe.

PS: pls no tagging for the router.

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answered 22 Aug '22, 17:05

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 22 Aug '22, 17:06

Tag what you see, not what you think.

Now the authority that operates that road? Tell them what you think.

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answered 23 Aug '22, 04:08

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%


maxspeed=80 + cycleway=no vs the route=bicycle on there is enough. Users should follow Waymarked Trail etc to be safe. Not sure if bicycle=designated makes a difference to routers.

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answered 22 Aug '22, 08:15

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 21 Aug '22, 20:25

question was seen: 1,210 times

last updated: 23 Aug '22, 04:08

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