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3 days ago I improved a very simple wetland multipolygon: an outer closed way with a water inner area. All the elements (the 2 ways and the relation) already existed, I didn't change geometry, I didn't change the ways, I just put back some tags on the relation.

Same thing with this big multipolygon:

Why it doesn't work at highest zooms but work at lowest zooms ? A few months ago this problem was not there, is it a bug because of the new CDN ?

Best regards

asked 14 Aug '22, 15:43

Fred73000's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Changes to relations only don't trigger tile updates, only changes to ways and nodes do:

Relations currently get ignored completely in this process.

That answer is quite old, but if I found the right corresponding source code, it does still handle only nodes and ways: expire-tiles-single permalink (current).

Plausible explanations why some tiles are updated anyway for me would be:

  • mid zoom tiles (like z13,14) cover larger areas where it is more likely that some other changes triggered an update
  • high zoom tiles (like z18) probably hadn't been looked at since the recent carto release invalidated them, so they would need be re-rendered anyway when looked at, regardless of any changes
permanent link

answered 15 Aug '22, 17:46

ikonor's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

The easiest way to get the tiles updated on all zoom levels and servers would probably be to just move some node a tiny bit.

(15 Aug '22, 17:53) ikonor

The answer in the OSM help is very old and recently they have changed the way to update tiles so probably some parts are outdated. In particular: /dirty doesn't work anymore "As tiles only get rerendered once they are viewed" : I looked at the area everyday for one week at zoom 17 (with CTRL+F5) and rendering is still outdated. 7 days outdated is not normal so I have created an issue on github.

(18 Aug '22, 15:31) Fred73000

The answer in the OSM help is very old

Therefore I included links to current code to confirm that tile invalidation still works as described.

recently they have changed the way to update tiles

Only manual tile update using /dirty and /status calls, see issue

"As tiles only get rerendered once they are viewed"

But only when when they have been invalidated before. Changing tags of relations, like in your case, does not invalidate tiles.

(18 Aug '22, 16:32) ikonor
  1. Sorry but for a beginner like me the current code is incomprehensible but no problem, I believe you of course.
  2. Thanks for the link about dirty and status
  3. You give me the rules but I would like to talk about these rules. Is this the right place here or is it better to open an issue on a specific github ?
(27 Aug '22, 17:21) Fred73000

Not sure, for a longer discussion and going into details, the community thread is probably the best place:

(27 Aug '22, 17:30) ikonor

Ok, thanks. Good news, after 17 days of waiting, rendering is now ok for both relations (first relation: since today, the other: I don't know, I did't look at it for a while). The subject can be closed. Best regards to you, ikonor, for all your answers.

(28 Aug '22, 20:20) Fred73000
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question asked: 14 Aug '22, 15:43

question was seen: 2,003 times

last updated: 28 Aug '22, 20:20

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