Why the address "Via XXV Aprile 23/a. 24030 Brembate di Sopra Bergamo Italy" is located in the artic ocean? |
There seem to be at least two issues that are OSM related:
The third issue is that you are searching on Instagram: Facebook / Meta companies do not use OSM POI data, but prefer to use other providers. Obviously their data isn't completely correct as you can see. Thank you!!!
(12 Aug '22, 09:09)
I can't reproduce this, I get no results for this exact address if I search on the openstreetmap.org home page, but not the Arctic Ocean.
I think that street is mapped as Via 25 aprile 1945.
Thanks for the speed in replying! The problem is when you select SMS atelier lab in "add place" for a photo in istagram. The blue that is seen in the attached image below is the ocean where the place is placed
I have attached a picture below, thanks!