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How do I tag a regular kiosk selling candy, tobacco etc. as having additional services for pickup/dropoff of packages? For example, if they have self-service for parcel pickup connected to certain carriers (Instabox, Budbee, DHL, Schenker, you name it).

asked 10 Aug '22, 11:14

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Are these machines? If so see If over-the-counter type services, I'm not so sure.

(10 Aug '22, 12:56) SK53 ♦

I'm still new to this so maybe I've misunderstood, but 1) that seems correct, but parcel lockers are often (always?) vendor exclusive, so a binary piece of information that a parcel locker exists isn't very helpful if you don't know what logistics company operates it, and 2) over-counter service is sometimes a thing also, sometimes vendors have only that option, sometimes they have both options at different premises (over-counter on one, then a box at another venue, or even outside). Perhaps it makes more sense to have the box as a completely separate object, so it can be outside, but if inside have a relation to the venue (much like an ATM?) -- and in case of over-counter it should be an amenity of the venue like amenity=servicepoint dhl or something?

(10 Aug '22, 13:04) malvo

Yes, map the box as a separate object. I'll be doing one soon located in the back of a shop.

(11 Aug '22, 09:07) SK53 ♦

do you have an example of what object type to choose, and how to specify operator?

(11 Aug '22, 09:09) malvo

this is the one I've just mapped:

(11 Aug '22, 13:22) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 10 Aug '22, 11:14

question was seen: 891 times

last updated: 11 Aug '22, 13:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum