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I tried to make some modification to some forest in france (Changeset: 124566485, Changeset: 124566904, #Changeset: 124571114). The goal was to add some data from a json I got from the ONF, french national forest organization but I messed things up I think. I think I overwrote the changes of some previous contributor which is a problem because I think the new changes don't fit osm formatting. What is the best way to do the merge ? Should I try to revert my changesets and do everything by hand ? Is there a canonical way to import data from external (geojson) source that I did not see (for now I tried using geojson plugin for josm).


asked 06 Aug '22, 18:26

TMat42's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, It does look like quite a mess around that area with a lot of strangely tagged areas. I would say revert everything and start again. Do you want me to revert for you?

Please be aware that there are guidelines for importing data into OSM, please see here:-

permanent link

answered 07 Aug '22, 07:21

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Yes if you could revert for me it would be great. I am still learning how to use josm.


(07 Aug '22, 08:17) TMat42

I reviewed the import guideline and I will send email to the mailing list talk-fr. I did not think I had to do it because the wiki says that the source is OK and the job was already half done (half the forest was already imported).

(07 Aug '22, 08:26) TMat42

OK, all three changesets are now reverted. The database is now back to its prior state. Stick with JOSM, there's a lot to learn but it's worth it. Importing, all I know is there's often a lot of debate about how it's done.

(07 Aug '22, 08:49) BCNorwich

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question asked: 06 Aug '22, 18:26

question was seen: 1,249 times

last updated: 07 Aug '22, 08:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum