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newbie here. I am looking to embed an osm map instead of google maps API on a web page. please look at and scroll down to their google map. I am looking to do the same with my webpage so I have the header and footer and a small amount of text in the middle and then the map so I then have the ability to add pointers that load with the name of a company and then a web URL highlighted so visitors can click on and then be taken to the URL link.

am I able to do this so it looks similar to the above example?

ideally, i am looking for a basic world map and to be able to turn off layers ( don't think i can do that though ?) and to make sure visitors cannot edit the map on my page ie add pointers etc ( don't think they can do that though?).

can anyone help with these questions?

thank you in advance.

asked 05 Aug '22, 17:43

Southeastmale's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The OpenStreetMap Data is free, but the foundation that runs the servers is small and not able to offer free hosting. For a deployed website you will either need to host the server side software yourself or use a company that does this as a service.

Self hosted would allow you to completely customise the look to your preference, but will require the most technical know-how. Some of the hosted services also allow a degree of customisation, especially if they are providing vector tiles.

Some information on getting started can be found at Switch2OSM.

permanent link

answered 07 Aug '22, 11:52

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

edited 07 Aug '22, 11:53

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question asked: 05 Aug '22, 17:43

question was seen: 1,888 times

last updated: 07 Aug '22, 11:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum