I followed this tutorial to setup an osm server: http://www.hyperionreactor.net/blog/how-build-your-own-osm-server-part-1-postgis-and-mapnik I'm still trying to make mapnik generate me images, but other than that everything worked well. Meanwhile i started to follow the official The Rails Port tutorial and i almost finished. (rails on ubuntu and rails port) This is the command i'm stuck at: But also knowing that i already had setup my db in my first tutorial i went ahead and launched the server. If that would be of any help, this was the error:
The question has been closed for the following reason "Not a simple question with a straightforward answer. You can get help with technical issues by subscribing to the OSM-dev mailing list." by Jonathan Bennett 20 Oct '11, 10:21
The first tutorial showed you how to set up a PostGIS rendering database using osm2pgsql for use with Mapnik. This is not the same database used by the Rails port. The latter uses a Postgres database without PostGIS extensions and with a very different schema. You will need to set up the new database despite already having a rendering database. Thank you very much! Btw, i just fixed my problem. It was in the database.yml, i had users and their passwords commented out. Now everything works. But CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME then why do i have the whole map available at localhost?
(20 Oct '11, 09:22)
Because the web site doesn't render maps directly from it's own database. Instead it displays tiles from (by default) tile.openstreetmap.org which naturally includes all data in the main database.
(20 Oct '11, 10:21)
TomH ♦♦