I am trying to download OSM for chicago area. From website, I can see that most buildings have building:levels or height attributes. However, none of the downloads from geofabrik contain these attributes. Thus my question is how can I download files with specified attributes. |
The .osm.pbf files you download from Geofabrik have all the attributes present in OpenStreetMap - nothing is removed. Only the free shapefiles that Geofabrik provides have a limited set of attributes. Use the .osm.pbf file if you want to access all the tags. |
When you say "From website, I can see that most buildings have building:levels or height attributes" do you mean you have queried the OSM data directly to see that the area does actually have levels or have you seen a claim in the wiki?
On OSM I can see that most buildings have building:levels attribute. Even on small files downloaded from overpass I can see the attributes. But the file from geofabrik does not have these attributes.