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Thanks for spare time for me. Nowadays I deployed the OSM tile server on Ubuntu.(I followed this guide And I think my OSM data is updated daily successfully. My problem is is there any way to check the daily updated status of OSM data? I mean is there any way to write console log to confirm OSM data updated daily?

asked 20 Jul '22, 04:41

Andy%20Leong's gravatar image

Andy Leong
accept rate: 0%


Are you talking about an OSM tile server or an OSRM routing server? Those are totally different tools...

By the link you provided it sounds as if you installed an OSRM routing server, not a OSM tile server.

(20 Jul '22, 15:29) Spiekerooger

I meant OSM tile server I followed step6 and step7

(20 Jul '22, 16:38) Andy Leong

You might have just pasted the wrong link in there, but is NOT a tile server, it's nominatim.

(20 Jul '22, 17:28) SomeoneElse ♦

I believe that the answer for an OSM routing server is "just run the process again, perhaps in a week's time".

The answer for an OSM tile server will likely be one of the "Updating your database as people edit" entries at There are 3 there that match various scenarios.

permanent link

answered 20 Jul '22, 15:33

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 20 Jul '22, 20:06

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question asked: 20 Jul '22, 04:41

question was seen: 1,623 times

last updated: 20 Jul '22, 20:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum