NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum Hyannis is the correct name (as can be seen by the erroneously duplicated train station). But zoom out and it says Barnstable, which is both the name of the larger town that the village of Hyannis lies within, and a smaller village to the north. It might be correct to put a Barnstable label at the centroid of the town (which is far to the west), but why does it display here?

asked 18 Jul '22, 01:58

njtbusfan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Because someone moved & reclassified Barnstable. I have reverted this edit.

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answered 18 Jul '22, 18:20

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

MelancholicSlav appears to have reversed part of your changes

This town hall in Hyannis also appears to be incorrectly named

The Hyannis boundary now has no admin centre

The Barnstable boundary has admin back to Hyannis area

(19 Jul '22, 02:47) nevw

Zoomed close in, the Hyannis Station label is displayed and further out the admin centre of the district is shown which is normally as expected I suppose. Someone appears to have placed the Barnsstable admin centre node where the Hyannis admin centre node should be. This appears to be an error if the Barnstable admin centre should be elsewhere.

The admin node for Barnstable has been placed a bit south of the Barnstable municipal airport.

and more precisely here, at the corner of Barnstable Rd and Main St and the Hyannis PO is close down the road, and this is close to Hyannis Station.

The Hyannis boundary does not have an admin centre node...

This changeset comment may be relevant...

This all seems a bit strange to me but I am not in your country.

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answered 18 Jul '22, 06:37

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 18 Jul '22, 13:54

So basically Barnstable is two things: a large town with both rural and urban areas and a village within the town. Hyannis is another village in the town of Barnstable, and is both more important than the village of Barnstable and contains the majority of the Barnstable town offices. The town is incorporated and has well-defined borders, but the villages do not. However, the villages are probably better known than the towns; in fact the Barnstable Town Hall has an address of Hyannis, MA.

It seems that someone wants Barnstable (town) to render at the admin center of Hyannis. In an urban city or town, this may make sense; for example, Downtown Boston becomes Boston when you zoom out, despite the centroid of Boston being far to the south. But in a rural town where the admin center has a different name, this is misleading.

(19 Jul '22, 05:14) njtbusfan

Good summary. I did check a receipt and addresses in Festival Mall are definitely Hyannis not Barnstable. The change & repeat of the change will likely not only cause confusion of the kind you had, but also mess with geocoding for routing and addressing.

(19 Jul '22, 13:04) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 18 Jul '22, 01:58

question was seen: 1,117 times

last updated: 19 Jul '22, 13:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum