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Just bought etrex 32x, brand new and boxed and it worked fine. Carried out an upgrade and now I can't see any topo data on the unit, just a plain light yellow background. Plug it into Basecamp and all the topo date comes alive. What has happened and how do I fix it? Have tried two resets but this has altered nothing. The map data is that supplied with the unit from Garmin: Worldwide Demo Basemap NR - enabled TopoActive Europe 2021-20 Central - enabled TopoActive Europe Demo Map EU 2020-10 - enabled and since doing an upgrade during which the system called for an SD Card TopActive Europe West - enabled plus 2 disabled maps - TopoActive Europe 2020-21 East and Digital Globe - Demo JNX

asked 17 Jul '22, 11:29

jolly-dollie's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 17 Jul '22, 18:04

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦


Just to clarify - what "topo data" are you asking about? Is it an OSM-based map, and if so, where did you get it from?

(17 Jul '22, 11:34) SomeoneElse ♦

The map data is that supplied with the unit from Garmin: Worldwide Demo Basemap NR - enabled TopoActive Europe 2021-20 Central - enabled TopoActive Europe Demo Map EU 2020-10 - enabled and since doing an upgrade during which the system called for an SD Card TopActive Europe West - enabled plus 2 disabled maps - TopoActive Europe 2020-21 East and Digital Globe - Demo JNX

(17 Jul '22, 14:20) jolly-dollie

It sounds like you need to have a conversation with Garmin, or the shop that you bought it from. People here will be able to help with OSM-based maps, but probably not with the ones that came from Garmin.

(17 Jul '22, 14:33) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks for suggestions but neither Ordnance Survey (from whom the unit was purchased) nor Garmin could help. Garmin's answer to everything is to reset the unit which really does absolutely nothing except waste time. So now I am stuck with a 3 month old useless piece of electronic Garmin junk. I wish someone else made a decent GPS as the previous unit we had (GPSMAP64S) had serious problems, well known as well across the internet, which Garmin won't fix.

But thanks anyway.

(18 Jul '22, 15:04) jolly-dollie

There's a whole bunch of legislation in the UK (including, but not limited to, this) that determines what rights you have as a consumer. From what you're saying, it seems that you might need to remind them of their legal responsibilities.

That's not really anything to do with OSM though - what might be (and is probably best asked in a separate question) is "how do I get OSM-based maps on my Garmin eTrex 32x (or GPSMAP 64S)". I use eTrex and GPSMAP devices with OSM-based maps all the time.

(18 Jul '22, 18:44) SomeoneElse ♦
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After receiving no useful help from either O.S. or Garmin we set about investigating the problem ourselves. A friend has an etrex 30x so we took the SD card from that and put in the 32x and all worked. Read all the maps, perfect! So I reformatted my SD card and made a copy from my friends card, put that into the 32x and again it worked.

How simple was that and why didn't Garmin think that perhaps the SD card was somehow corrupted and/or unreadable?

All Garmin kept telling me to do was to reset the device - why?? Once would have been enough.

So all is well and I thank those who answered my plea for help.

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answered 20 Jul '22, 15:27

jolly-dollie's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Maybe the "demo" was time limited and it was disabled by the update. Garmin may have wanted you to buy a new map. Very pleased have a working map now.

(21 Jul '22, 09:40) andy mackey

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question asked: 17 Jul '22, 11:29

question was seen: 2,598 times

last updated: 21 Jul '22, 09:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum