I cant find official values for the surface tag of footpaths or stairs with hard stone surfaces like granite or marble? Im thinking of something like these: Do you have any suggestions or maybe have seen something similar tagged with a good value elsewhere? |
I suspect many of the new surfaces we see are concreate based with chips of attractive stone added into the surface. The surface is then ground and polished, Often encountered in supermarkets and new public buildings. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granolithic perhaps Granolithic is the tag we should use. Previously used tags can be searched for and found here. https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=+surface+%3Dconcrete but it seems a little sad to just call it concreate. Thats super interesting! Unfortunately I'm now torn between Would you rather go for a popular but slightly misleading value or an unused but fitting value?
(18 Jul '22, 12:45)
JayJay5, in my early days I liked to describe all the different tiles they use on ways as pavement. Due to that I stopped and use on paths surface paved, easy yes, but there are too many formats of tiles. The formats you showed aren’t paving stones, but as said concrete, mostly pre-constructed/fabricatedd. |