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When I search direction from A to B, being B a house next to a strip mall that has a parking lot, the result points to the parking lot. But this is incorrect because the house has a street in front of it, and you can't drive to the parking lot and drive over the sidewalk to reach the house. How do I fix it?

asked 11 Jul '22, 22:35

sashanicolas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, I take it you're using the routing on the OSM main map page, OSRM or Graphopper. This routing is actually not incorrect. When you realise that the routing is from a point on a highway (nearest to your start location), to a point on an inter-connecting highway nearest to the desired end location. The end of the parking lot highway is nearer to the house than the end of Ridgeway Avenue, so routing goes via the parking lot.

I've added the driveway up to the house, so (when re-rendered) the problem should be resolved. The driveway will be the nearest publicly accessible highway to the house. Have a look in a day or so.

permanent link

answered 12 Jul '22, 08:27

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


Note that this solution doesn't always work.

(12 Jul '22, 12:28) SK53 ♦

I already see that it didn't work. This shouldn't be the way to fix it. The parking lot is not the closest in real life and it shouldn't be in the virtual map either. Google Maps has a way to define the access to the house, which has been fixed already, I was hoping OSM had that too. @BCNorwich 's suggestion is a workaround, that didn't work, unfortunately.

(12 Jul '22, 16:28) sashanicolas

I'm not sure if is possible to say yet whether it worked or not. The routing engines don't seem to want to recognise the easternmost part of Ridgeway Avenue. Perhaps that part was drawn only recently, and the routing engines have not updated yet. They can take much longer to update than the visible map.

(12 Jul '22, 19:37) alan_gr

It worked now.

(13 Jul '22, 14:28) sashanicolas

Yes it looks like it is working in the OSRM router. I think the Graphhopper router hasn't caught up yet.

(13 Jul '22, 15:59) alan_gr

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question asked: 11 Jul '22, 22:35

question was seen: 1,198 times

last updated: 13 Jul '22, 15:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum