Hello, I am not getting city always in API response when i search for a address. Here is the address: Bahnhofstrasse 1 8001 Zu Here is URL which i am using for search address: https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=Bahnhofstrasse%201%208001%20Zu&format=json&polygon=1& addressdetails=1&limit=6&countrycodes=CH&accept-language=de Can you please help me on this why i am not getting city with this address? Thanks Siyaram |
Nominatim does not offer autocomplete or autosuggest. So it does not expand your search of "Zu" to "Zurich". If you need an autosuggest/autocomplete function, you'll have to look to other geocoders, e.g. photon or pelias. Example: https://photon.komoot.io/api/?q=Bahnhofstrasse%201%208001%20Zu |
What city name would you expect for this location? The results give you the name of the village (which may be the closest thing to a "postal city" here, it is used in the addr:city tags). The results also include various levels of administrative division. It all looks reasonable for a rural area far from a city. I'm not sure anything is missing.