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hi, i have encountered an application that spam OSM with wrong data

this is the application

it is adding thousands of points that are spaming the map :-(

here is an OSMCha search for its changeset -

it is using changeset created_by=Mundi App

see this changset xml for example:

how should i handle this??

asked 10 Jul '22, 20:35

shemesh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you think it's vandalism or spam you'll have to contact the DWG (Data Working Group) here: . They will look into the behavior and can decide to block users or revert edits.

But in regard to some of the changesets, e.g. this one:, how is adding a power pole there (if there is one) spam? I would think this is relevant information, esp. for e.g. blind people a power pole is an obstacle on a sidewalk.

permanent link

answered 11 Jul '22, 10:12

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 11 Jul '22, 18:02


At least some of the barrier nodes mapped in that area, such as this barrier=entrance node which isn't connected to anything, or this random barrier=yes node, are almost certainly errors.

(11 Jul '22, 17:56) Tordanik

You are right, it seems a hit and miss - some useful, others not. Anyone familiar with that app?

(11 Jul '22, 18:02) Spiekerooger

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question asked: 10 Jul '22, 20:35

question was seen: 994 times

last updated: 11 Jul '22, 18:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum