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I feel like I am asking a very stupid question, because what I am searching for seems so obvious. But I have not been able to find it so far.

Is there some form of the Carto-style that is applicable on (standard) Mapsforge-maps?

I would prefer that because I am most used to that, besides some particular details in various other styles that I don't like, or that just lack. And I think that's exactly what I have seen in ViewRanger. Unless that worked differently.

Currently I use maps from Freizeitkarte and BBBike in Locus.

  • Freizeitkarte has its own nomenclature, surprisingly.
  • For BBBike I was able to apply the MapsForge RenderTheme. But only after hacking it, and downgrading the nominal version from 5 to 3. I don't know if there is an 'official' way in this case. The result isn't great.

I have been looking into the Carto-project itself. That did not seem appropriate to me. Or just with a lot of other tools for generation or conversion. That went beyond me.

So again. Isn't there just the plain and simple xml-file that I am looking for somewhere?! Preferably going along with new versions of Carto.

asked 09 Jul '22, 20:05

BertMule's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jul '22, 20:06

I think the main issue is that the MapsForge rendering rules are basically similar to those of OSMarender which used XLST transforms to convert OSM XML to SVG using another XML document as the style sheet. Indeed the main style sheet on the MapsForge repo is even called osmarender.xml!

This is technology which has not been maintained for 10 years, so the number of people familiar with the principles, and particularly, limitations of the approach is now small.

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answered 11 Jul '22, 17:05

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 11 Jul '22, 17:06

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question asked: 09 Jul '22, 20:05

question was seen: 1,501 times

last updated: 11 Jul '22, 17:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum