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An out of use railway line, which tracks still remain in place, but are partially covered with dust or asphalt, leaving small visible parts followed by small unvidsible ones, how shall it be tagged? As disused, abandoned or razed? Shall we split the line into visible (tagged as "disused") and unvisible parts? In that case, the second ones how shall they be tagged as?

asked 06 Jul '22, 02:02

Thanosmed's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Jul '22, 02:07

As long as the tracks remain, it should all be disused. Visibility can change with time as dirt and vegetation accumulates. It's not constant.

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answered 06 Jul '22, 11:26

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 06 Jul '22, 11:26


Surely that's a logical thought. The problem is though that there is also asphalt at some spots. At some regions throughout the long train path, the local authorities have chosen to simply cover the tracks with asphalt, during the construction of local roads, instead of making railway-road crossings. At these spots, which can be a few hundred metres long the most, the tracks have remained in place, but they are buried under the street, creating a visibility gap of the railroad, when observed from above. The asphalt is a more permanent and constant condition than simple dirt and vegetation, but, theoretically, it is still technically possible the tracks to be revealed again, with the removal of the asphalt cover in future.

(07 Jul '22, 02:25) Thanosmed

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question asked: 06 Jul '22, 02:02

question was seen: 2,015 times

last updated: 07 Jul '22, 02:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum