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I want to compare OSM datasets for South Africa over the past 5 years (2007-2011). I am not able to download the big file from: Does anyone have a copy of the dataset or know how I can work my way around it?

I am not able to download a file of this size with our internet connection at all. The maximum I am able to download is about 50MB.

asked 19 Oct '11, 07:47

Lindy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Oct '11, 09:18

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...

Lindy, I regulary make extracts from the full history planet for a lot of countries for . I haven't cut individual countries for Africa up to now, but if Peter doesn't have time, I can do so tomorrow.

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answered 19 Oct '11, 22:42

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 19 Oct '11, 22:42

Hi Simon

I have not heard anything from Peter yet. If he doesn't get back to me by 13h00 today then I would really appreciate if you could do the extract for me. I don't want to duplicate work. I will let you know about my progress.

Thank you very much.

(20 Oct '11, 07:18) Lindy

Since I was asked to add SA to my ODBL list, I just made the extracts anyway: see . Please read the README.

(20 Oct '11, 10:27) SimonPoole ♦

@ Simon

Thank you again for the data. I see it's in .osh format. I downloaded the little program osmconvert and from what I've read it should be able to convert between .osm and .osh, but it doesn't allow me input the .osh file. Essentially, I want a .shp file, but I should be able export it to .shp from .osm, hence me trying to convert it to .osh. Any advice?

(27 Oct '11, 08:32) Lindy

A shape file contains one geometry for each feature. You have explicitly asked for a history extract, which contains data for all past versions of a feature. To create a meaningful shape file from that, you would have to use an osm-to-shape converter that takes a timestamp and generates a shape file with the features as they were at that time. Such a program does not yet exist. (If you should want to create a shape file that contains all historic geometries for each feature, such a program does not exist either!) Are you sure that you have thought this through? What exactly do you want?

(27 Oct '11, 09:03) Frederik Ramm ♦

Hi Frederik

I think I misunderstood. I thought the file I received would be in the same format as the one I downloaded from Geofabrik. I thought that when it's unzipped I would end up with shapefiles for each feature. I didn't understand the .osm format. I also read that one can import a .osm file into QGIS an then export it to .shp - hat is what I was planning to do. "If you should want to create a shape file that contains all historic geometries for each feature, such a program does not exist either!" - this is what I thought I would end up with.

(01 Nov '11, 07:42) Lindy

Lindy, the most recent version of Osmium supposedly supports filtering on a timestamp base. This is naturally not a ready to run solution, but somebody with coding experience may be able to build something out of it that fits your requirements.


(01 Nov '11, 08:38) SimonPoole ♦
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

Since downloading the file (which has 28 GB) through the Internet does not seem to be an option in this case, you seem to be looking for someone who can copy the file to an USB stick or external hard drive for you.

May I recommend that you subscribe to the mailing list (possibly for your region or your country, and try to find someone local to you who can help?

Another possibility is finding someone who is willing and able to extract the data you require from the full planet file. Peter Körner produces some extracts for testing (

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answered 19 Oct '11, 08:46

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank you so much for your help Frederik. I really appreciate it.

(19 Oct '11, 09:07) Lindy

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question asked: 19 Oct '11, 07:47

question was seen: 6,827 times

last updated: 01 Nov '11, 08:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum