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Is it incorrect, or even not allowed, to draw a separate way, when the cycleway is an inherent part of the road itself?

I have read the wiki but have not found any definite answer.

asked 04 Jul '22, 08:30

Msiipola's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Jul '22, 08:13

Depends what you mean by "an inherent part of the road itself".

If it's just a painted lane, then you shouldn't draw a separate way.

If there's physical separation (e.g. a kerb or a stepped track) then a separate way is usually more appropriate.

It's similar to the way that we use separate ways for dual carriageways (divided highways), but not for multi-lane roads.

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answered 04 Jul '22, 17:11

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Yes, that's what the wiki says. But I'm interested in the case where a separate cycleway is already drawn, even if the separation is just a painted line. Must the cycleway be deleted and a cycleway tag added on the main road?

(04 Jul '22, 17:26) Msiipola

If I am not feeling lazy, the I will remove the cycleway and add cycle lanes. Same thing for erroneous dual carriageways.

But if I am lazy and only looking at an area to, say, add or update a business. Then I might not take the time to fix the error.

(05 Jul '22, 02:38) n76

Hi, have you found this : ? It is the most elaborate tag list for cycleways I found. It clearly states : Cycle features OSM distinguishes between cycle lanes and cycle tracks. A cycle lane lies within the roadway itself (on-road), whereas a cycle track is separate from the road (off-road). Tracks are typically separated from the road by e.g. curbs, parking lots, grass verges, trees, etc.

So drawing a separate way, when the cycleway is an inherent part of the road itself is wrong and should be corrected, Imo

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answered 05 Jul '22, 01:43

Gys%20de%20Jongh's gravatar image

Gys de Jongh
accept rate: 16%


Yes, I have seen and read the wiki Bicycle page. And I understand there is a difference between cycle lanes and cycle track. In the case I talk about, it's clearly a cycle lane. And should probably be corrected. Thanks for the input!

(05 Jul '22, 07:27) Msiipola

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question asked: 04 Jul '22, 08:30

question was seen: 915 times

last updated: 05 Jul '22, 08:13

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