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Hello everyone,

I'm using the osm data extracts from and convert them to garmin image with splitter/mkgmap. For some reason summits doesnt show the correct height in Garmin Oregon 600 and the names of them is missing. I havent found anything helping with google/in this forum, maybe someone has an idea how to correct this?

Thanks in advance. Best regards Raphael

asked 03 Jul '22, 09:26

Morbit's gravatar image

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edited 07 Jul '22, 19:52

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

The best place to ask is on the mkgmap mailing list.

(03 Jul '22, 16:50) SK53 ♦

okay thanks, I was not sure if I should ask for this problem here or on mkgmap

(04 Jul '22, 18:51) Morbit

I'm using the osm data extracts from and convert them to garmin image with splitter/mkgmap.

What actual commands are you using? What mkgmap map style are you using? contains this line:

natural=peak {name '${name|def:}${ele|height:m=>ft|def:}'} [0x6616 resolution 24]

and I'd expect that that will appear as something like "Peak name, xyz M". It certainly does on my Garmin GPSMap 64s using a rule similar to that.

(04 Jul '22, 19:39) SomeoneElse ♦

Yes, that was the problem. Now it would be interesting which data the Garmin uses to calculate the altimeter if I want it to route me to the summit?!

(07 Jul '22, 18:32) Morbit

I'm not sure what you mean by "calculate the altimeter" here.

A mkgmap-generated map has two sets of attributes:

  • what you see on the screen
  • (optionally) routing information for various modes of transport.

I suspect that the altitude of a feature doesn't have any bearing on the the routing suggested, but people on the previously-mentioned mkgmap list would be likely to know.

(07 Jul '22, 18:49) SomeoneElse ♦

Lets take an example: The Rossköpfe in Oetz, Austria is at 2399m height, my garmin says 2180m (the name says the same now with 2399m as I corrected it as above). Now I'm wondering how my garmin calculates the altimeter I have to go when I am at 2000m (by gps and barometer). Will it say the difference I still have to go up with 399 or with just 180m?

(07 Jul '22, 20:25) Morbit

My recollection (and it's only that - there aren't many > 2km peaks where I live) is that it's based on lateral distance, but the "mkgmap list" people will know for sure.

(07 Jul '22, 20:45) SomeoneElse ♦
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question asked: 03 Jul '22, 09:26

question was seen: 1,404 times

last updated: 07 Jul '22, 20:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum